
Following Boardman-Vogt, McDuff, Segal, and others, we construct a monoidal topological groupoid or space of finite subsets of the plane, and interpret the Burau representation of knot theory as a topological quantum field theory defined on it. Its determinant or writhe is an invertible braided monoidal TQFT which group completes to define a Hopkins-Mahowald model for integral homology as an E 2 E_2 Thom spectrum. We use these ideas to construct an infinite cyclic (Alexander) cover for the space of finite subsets of C \mathbb {C} , and we argue that the TQFT defined by Burau is closely related to the SU(2)-valued Wess-Zumino-Witten model for string theory on R + 3 \mathbb {R}^3_+ .

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