
This theme aimed to minimize the spread of Narcotics users at the student level, in the data of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), cases of drug use by the drug users up to March 2018 amounted to 6.4 Million. The data is alarming because along with the increase in drug cases (especially among the young people and the children). The spread of drugs is easy because the elementary school children have also started trying to smoke cigarettes. Although the government in the Child Protection Act number 23 of 2002 in article 20, it has been stated that the State, the government, the community, the family, and the parents are obliged and responsible for the implementation of child protection (see more fully in the Child Protection Act). However, the child protection from drugs is still far from expectations. A lot of elementary school and junior high school age of children are also trapped in drugs; the drug addicts are generally between the ages of 11 and 24. At the productive age or student age, the students who take drugs usually begin with their introduction to cigarettes. From this habit, their association continues to increase, especially when the students join with the people who have become the drug addicts. At the beginning they only try to use the drugs, but then they will depend on them.

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