
We have developed an MRI-safe needle guidance toolkit for MRI-guided interventions intended to enable accurate positioning for needle-based procedures. The toolkit allows intuitive and accurate needle angulation and entry point positioning according to an MRI-based plan, using a flexible, patterned silicone 2D grid. The toolkit automatically matches the grid on MRI planning images with a physical silicon grid placed conformally on the patient's skin and provides the Interventional Radiologist an easy-to-use guide showing the needle entry point on the silicon grid as well as needle angle information. The radiologist can use this guide along with a 2-degree-of-freedom (rotation and angulation relative to the entry point) hand-held needle guide to place the needle into the anatomy of interest. The initial application that we are considering for this toolkit is arthrography, a diagnostic procedure to evaluate the joint space condition. However, this toolkit could be used for any needle-based and percutaneous procedures such as MRI-guided biopsy and facet joint injection. For matching the images, we adopt a transformation parameter estimation technique using the phase-only correlation method in the frequency domain. We investigated the robustness of this method against rotation, displacement, and Rician noise. The algorithm was able to successfully match all the dataset images. We also investigated the accuracy of identifying the entry point from registered template images as a prerequisite for a future targeting study. Application of the template matching algorithm to locate the needle entry points within the MRI dataset resulted in an average entry point location estimation accuracy of 0.12 ±0.2 mm. This promising result motivates a more detailed assessment of this algorithm in the future including a targeting study on a silicon phantom with embedded plastic targets to investigate the end-to-end accuracy of this automatic template matching algorithm in the interventional MRI room.

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