
Context. Mass and spin are two fundamental properties of astrophysical black holes. While some established indirect methods are adopted to measure both these properties of active galactic nuclei (AGN) when viewed relatively face-on, very few suggested methods exist to measure these properties when AGN are highly inclined and potentially obscured by large amounts of gas. Aims. In this context we explore the accuracy and performance of a recently proposed method to estimate the spin of AGN by fitting the accretion disk spectral energy distribution, when adapted for highly inclined and obscured systems, and in particular to a sample of six local water megamasers. For these sources the accretion rate and inclination angle are both known, allowing us to rely only on the AGN bolometric luminosity to infer their spin. Methods. Using the bolometric luminosity as a proxy for the accretion disk peak luminosity, we derived the expected bolometric luminosity as a function of spin. Then, we measured the bolometric luminosity of each source through X-ray spectroscopy, and compared it with the expected value to constrain the spin of the AGN. Results. The quality of the constraints depend critically on the accuracy of the measured bolometric luminosity, which is difficult to estimate in heavily obscured systems. Three out of six sources do not show consistency between the expected and measured bolometric luminosities, while the other three (four, when considering the [OIII] line as tracer of the bolometric luminosity) are formally consistent with high spin values. Conclusions. Our results suggest that this method, although promising (and possibly considered as a future calibrator for other methods) needs better observational data and further theoretical modeling to be successfully applied to obscured AGN and to infer robust results.

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