
A fundamental component of many modern prostheses is the myoelectric control system, which uses the electromyogram (EMG) signals from an individual’s muscles to control the prosthesis movements. Despite the extensive research focus on the myoelectric control of arm and gross hand movements, more dexterous individual and combined fingers control has not received the same attention. The main contribution of this paper is an investigation into accurately discriminating between individual and combined fingers movements using surface EMG signals, so that different finger postures of a prosthetic hand can be controlled in response. For this purpose, two EMG electrodes located on the human forearm are utilized to collect the EMG data from eight participants. Various feature sets are extracted and projected in a manner that ensures maximum separation between the finger movements and then fed to two different classifiers. The second contribution is the use of a Bayesian data fusion postprocessing approach to maximize the probability of correct classification of the EMG data belonging to different movements. Practical results and statistical significance tests prove the feasibility of the proposed approach with an average classification accuracy of ≈90% across different subjects proving the significance of the proposed fusion scheme in finger movement classification.

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