
AbstractThis article aims to reexamine green infrastructure (GI) visions and frameworks and site-scale GI implementation toward holistic urban GI implementation. For GI visions and frameworks, both City of Philadelphia and Singapore have demonstrated progressive approaches to weave different divisions and planning, accomplishing holistic frameworks as well as enhancing GI implementation at site-scale level. Through three site-scale GI implementation case studies, the creative solutions have been demonstrated how streets, retention ponds, and the existing urban fabric were to transform into GI open spaces. This article suggests the way how GI could be interwoven into visions, planning, and design to create places for people.


  • This article aims to reexamine green infrastructure (GI) visions and frameworks and site-scale GI implementation toward holistic urban GI implementation

  • How can we implement these perspectives on the ground? This section aims to reexamine “visions and approaches” toward holistic urban green infrastructure implementation with reference to some project case studies

  • Singapore has relied on Malaysia for 40% of its drinking water resource coming through pipelines

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15.1 Toward Holistic Urban Green Infrastructure Implementation

Green infrastructure (GI) implementation needs to integrate visions and frameworks of the city scale with the ones of the site scale. GI visions and frameworks set the big pictures and the essential structures for diverse governmental divisions in order to move forward with GI concepts Those frameworks help build up and activate a wide range of site-scale GI projects from green streets, open spaces to urban redevelopment. At the stage of project planning, research and concept were made based on the ABC Waters, and location and volume of buildings were to meet ABC Waters’ goals, and applicable green infrastructure implementation methodologies were introduced at catchment stage. Singapore put force on setting nationwide Water Design Guidelines and provided both urban green infrastructure visions and frameworks at a national scale. Singapore’s case study demonstrates “top-down” approaches and sets effective schemes to translate GI visions to real projects by creating multiple programs Both Certificate and ABC Waters Professional Program help accelerate GI implementation. Three cases of site-scale GI implementation in urban settings have been examined

15.4 GI Approaches
15.5 Street as GI: “City of Copenhagen’s New GI Street Approaches”
15.6 Kashiwanoha Aqua Terrace: “Closed Retention Pond to GI Open Space”
15.7.1 GI Visions and Frameworks
15.7.2 Design of Places and Public Engagement
15.8 Toward Urban Green Infrastructure Implementation
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