
The use of entangled states was shown to improve the fundamental limits of spectroscopy to beyond the standard-quantum limit. Here, rather than probing the free evolution of the phase of an entangled state with respect to a local oscillator, we probe the evolution of an initially separable two-atom register under an Ising spin Hamiltonian with a transverse field. The resulting correlated spin-rotation spectrum is twice as narrow as that of an uncorrelated rotation. We implement this ideally Heisenberg-limited Rabi spectroscopy scheme on the optical-clock electric-quadrupole transition of ^{88}Sr^{+} using a two-ion crystal. We further show that depending on the initial state, correlated rotation can occur in two orthogonal subspaces of the full Hilbert space, yielding entanglement-enhanced spectroscopy of either the average transition frequency of the two ions or their difference from the mean frequency. The use of correlated spin rotations can potentially lead to new paths for clock stability improvement.

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