
Deep learning (DL) models have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. DL model security against adversarial attacks is critical to using DL-trained models in forward deployed systems, e.g. facial recognition, document characterization, or object detection. We provide results and lessons learned applying a moving target defense (MTD) strategy against iterative, gradient-based adversarial attacks. Our strategy involves (1) training a diverse ensemble of DL models, (2) applying randomized affine input transformations to inputs, and (3) randomizing output decisions. We report a primary lesson that this strategy is ineffective against a white-box adversary, which could completely circumvent output randomization using a deterministic surrogate. We reveal how our ensemble models lacked the diversity necessary for effective MTD. We also evaluate our MTD strategy against a black-box adversary employing an ensemble surrogate model. We conclude that an MTD strategy against black-box adversarial attacks crucially depends on lack of transferability between models.

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