
Multicasting does not work well for video applications such as video on demand, where individual users request video content at discrete and unpredictable moments. In this paper, we study a concurrent video multicast orchestration solution for the caching-assisted and centrally controlled mobile networks. The proposed solution strives to obtain rapid video prefetch and effective traffic reduction. By rapid video prefetch, user devices can cache required contents in advance, which can effectively improve the streaming fluency in unsteady wireless environments, especially the highly mobile vehicular environment. We introduce a maximum-rate concurrent multicast (MRCM) problem whose solution is intended to maximize the total video delivery rate by a concurrent multicast manner, and prove that the MRCM problem is NP-hard. Then, we propose a dynamic concurrent multicast tree construction algorithm and a global concurrent multicast tree optimization algorithm to approximately solve the MRCM problem in polynomial time. We also introduce a cache competition mechanism that strives to maximize the total cache hit rate when the cache space is insufficient. Performance evaluations show that compared with the existing cache-assisted multicast delivery solutions, the proposed solution significantly reduces the video delivery duration and the traffic stress of backhaul links.

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