
Jurisdictions that are contemplating the development of 3D Cadastres cannot afford to ignore the marine 1 In this paper the term “marine” refers to submerged lands found in relatively large bodies of water i.e. lakes, sea, and ocean. 1 environment. Apart from its extreme importance as a resource, the marine environment and its use is volumetric by nature and involves the exercising of rights to the surface, water column, seabed, and subsoil. This paper highlights the value of the marine cadastre 2 In this paper a marine cadastre is broadly defined as an information system that allows rights in marine space to be defined, recorded, visualised and managed. 2 in providing support for effective and efficient decision making associated with good ocean governance. Its primary focus is the technical framework of a marine cadastre as part of the marine property rights information infrastructure. The paper begins by outlining the importance of coastal and marine areas. This importance is then linked to the three-dimensional mosaic of private and public rights and interests found in marine spaces, showing how this complexity affects ocean governance. The paper then outlines how information on property rights is crucial to ocean governance, and how the technical framework for the marine property rights information infrastructure can be built (by reviewing the various components of a marine cadastre). The paper then concludes by outlining other issues that need to be considered in developing a marine cadastre.

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