
This article reconstructs the lecture tour that Federico Garcia Lorca made through the North of Spain in December 1930, following his prolonged stay in the United States and Cuba. The tour took him through Logrono, San Sebastian, Gijon and Oviedo. In the last city named his talk had to be cancelled due to the political upheaval following on from the failed military coup in Jaca. In his tour Lorca gave two lectures, The Poetic Imagery of Don Luis de Gongora, which although already wellknown, was presented here in a different version, and The Arquitecture of Cante Jondo, which the poet had never delivered before in Spain. The coverage given to these lectures in the local press projected Lorca as a poet increasingly admired by the people of his country and allows us to analyze the variations introduced in them.


  • Spain in December 1930, following his prolonged stay in the United States and Cuba

  • Ayer pronunció en el Ateneo Guipuzcoano una interesante conferencia el notable poeta Federico García Lorca, que había elegido como tema de la disertación «La arquitectura del cante jondo»

  • El cante jondo, cuyos orígenes se remontan a tiempos remotísimos, revela un evidente parentesco con cantos indios y orientales, sin que esto quiera decir que el uno es copia del otro, sino más bien una coincidencia de motivos nacida de los numerosos acontecimientos históricos de que ha sido teatro Andalucía

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Spain in December 1930, following his prolonged stay in the United States and Cuba. The tour took him through Logroño, San Sebastián, Gijón and Oviedo. Tan sólo unos días antes, Juan Chabás le había precedido como conferenciante del Ateneo Obrero gijonés, con un «cursillo» de conferencias sobre arte y literatura: El paisaje de la literatura española, el día 3 de diciembre; El litoral y el centro de nuestra literatura, el día 5; y La cultura y la estética nuevas: verso y prosa, del día 6, en la que leyó poemas de Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillén, Gerardo Diego, Rafael Alberti y, por supuesto, de García Lorca[28].

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