
Today tourism is under the influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Which is one of the most important economic activities in the country. Today, tourism has experienced a decline in the economic development of the country. Today, its development is experiencing difficulties in its functioning with a large decline in tourist demand and a greater increase in job losses for all those working in this sector in Kosovo. From this many businesses feel Insecure about the development of activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The spread of the pandemic has permeated every corner of life, so tourism and hospitality have been damaged by this global economic crisis that has engulfed Kosovo. Based on the situation created, a large number of tourism enterprises have not to function properly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Tourism and hospitality are among the most important activities for the economic development of Kosovo. the development of tourism activities represents a decrease in income if compared to the previous period before the pandemic. The decrease in tourists has led to the deterioration of the situation and economic development of Kosovo. According to the current situation, tourism businesses require support to overcome the crisis in which they are.

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