
Sandy coasts are constantly exposed to rapid coastal change. Projected climate change caused by Changes in sea level rise, wave circumstances, and storm occurrences will increase erosion rates, exposing these areas to increasingly hazardous conditions. For coastal management purposes, it is important to monitor and measure these changes. Erosion of sandy and pebbly beaches and their ecosystems. The loss of sand and gravel is not only due to the rise in sea level and the force of waves resulting from storms, which will intensify due to climate change. There is a new important factor of human intervention and impact on the beaches that must be mentioned and verified as to how the effect is in the long term with the increase in tourism in the coastal areas, especially in areas of a tourist nature. The amount of sediment that each individual transports from the coastal beaches in the Alanya region.
 In the experiment, we Collected samples of sand and gravel from different locations on the coast to be surveyed. Classifying the collected samples by means of sieve analysis. Executing the project by going to the sites of sand samples that were analyzed in different periods by collecting samples (collecting sand attached to the bodies of people of different sizes in basins Testing). The thesis also answers Identify the eroded beach by relating the average number of locals and foreigners who come to the project area for a year and use the coast with the data collected during the project.

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