
ABSTRACTWhaling in Japan suffers from entrenched positions by leadership, resigned to permanent disagreement (International Whaling Panel Discussion), as well as “activist impotence” observed in the failure to create dialogue or change policy. Australian Prime Minister Turnbull sites a difference of opinion rather than culture. There is impasse. A circuit breaker is required so an imaginative tourism-focused strategy is proposed in Taiji, Wakayama prefecture where events are created voicing narratives of tradition and sustainable futures based on a unique and sustainable past. Awareness through interpretive display, restored heritage, living museum, festivals and ceremony turns negative perceptions into positive. A current cultural deficit can be developed into a tourism asset, as Japan reclaims respect and unique industrial heritage. Transition from whaling to whale tourism has precedents (Australia and the US). Japan has its own remarkable place (Taiji), objects (Sekobune), practice (net whaling/drive hunting) and food culture (UNESCO classification) to present.

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