
This study aims to analyze and explain about the potential development of tourism destinations Tongke-Tongke Mangrove Forest Sinjai Regency. The research method used is quantitative descriptive. The results showed that Tongke-Tongke Mangrove Forest has a decent tourism potential to be developed in the 4A aspect, namely 1) Attraction, which includes nature and culture in the tourism area of Tonge-Tongke Mangrove Forest which is interesting and valuable to see and visit; 2) Accessibility, everything that supports accessibility such as transportation, transportation and transportation modes to the tourism destinations of the Tongke-Tongke Mangrove Forest; 3) Amenities, tourism support facilities play an important role in facilitating and providing comfort to tourists while visiting Tongke-Tongke Mangrove Forest ; 4) Ancillary Service, supporting facilities that exist in tourism destinations in the TongkeTongke Mangrove Forest, for example Banks, Hospitals, Telecommunications and the like.

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