
In this study, tourism comfort conditions of Turkey’s southwestern seasides, located in coastal destinations are investigated. The Tourism Climatic Index (TCI), developed by Mieczkowski (1985) and known as a comfort scale suitable to tourism activities was applied to the climate parameters. The outcomes of TCI are; 1) Bimodal-shoulder peak (spring peak) tourism comfort classification is seen in all stations. 2) ’’ Weak ’’ category (TCI scores are 40 and less) is not seen in any of stations. 3) ’’Optimal’’ category (TCI scores are 80 and above) is not seen in any of stations. 4) For all stations summer season has the lowest tourism comfort. This situation is related with the temperature rising and moisture affect. 5) The high values of tourism comfort conditions in winter season provide the spreading of tourism through 12 months. 6) The most suitable destinations among the stations are Marmaris in May and Bodrum in April. 7) ''Excellent’’ category (TCI scores are above 90) is not seen in any month for any station. Both implementations of sustainable tourism plans and to decrease the negative impacts of climate changes this and such studies are needed to be considered.

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