
Following the mid-2017 inbound migration peak of third countries’ nationals in Italy, the then Italian Minister of the Interior Marco Minniti signed a Memorandum of Understanding, with the purpose to curb illegal immigration and “liberate our lands from traffickers”. The MoU marked the first step towards a stricter set of national regulations, intensified by the succeeding Minister of Interior Matteo Salvini, and adjusted by the current Minister Luciana Lamorgese. The fight against human trafficking shape the political agenda and steer Italy’s public opinion, deepening the gap between those who support the pushback of migrants, on one side, and those who advocate compliance to regulations and treaties, not to mention the respect of human rights. Empirical evidence shows that adopted policies have at least partly achieved their objectives, discouraging irregular migration to a certain extent, but at the expense of migrants’ living conditions and their perception by national citizens. The paper provides an overview of the policy instruments deployed by the Italian Government to control the irregular migration wave, and what kind of resistance policymakers have had to confront during the implementation phase from the press and the public opinion. A section of the paper is dedicated to the importance of, and the need for, fair and truthful communication: fact-checking and debunking fake news are presented as necessary tools to inform and guide policymaking in the post-Covid era.

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