
Spectral unmixing aims at estimating the fractional abundances of pure spectral signatures (also called endmembers) in each mixed pixel collected by a remote sensing hyperspectral imaging instrument. In recent work, the linear spectral unmixing problem has been approached in semisupervised fashion as a sparse regression one, under the assumption that the observed image signatures can be expressed as linear combinations of pure spectra, known a priori and available in a library. It happens, however, that sparse unmixing focuses on analyzing the hyperspectral data without incorporating spatial information. In this paper, we include the total variation (TV) regularization to the classical sparse regression formulation, thus exploiting the spatial-contextual information present in the hyperspectral images and developing a new algorithm called sparse unmixing via variable splitting augmented Lagrangian and TV. Our experimental results, conducted with both simulated and real hyperspectral data sets, indicate the potential of including spatial information (through the TV term) on sparse unmixing formulations for improved characterization of mixed pixels in hyperspectral imagery.

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