
In 2008, Chartrand et al. first introduced the concept of rainbow connection. Since then the study of rainbow connection has received considerable attention in the literature, and now it becomes an active topic in graph theory. As a natural generalization, Uchizawa et al. (2013) and Liu et al. (2014) presented the concept of total rainbow connection, respectively. In this paper, we investigate the total rainbow connection numbers of outerplanar graphs with diameter 2. Applying our result, we improve the main result of [X. Huang, X. Li, Y. Shi, J. Yue, Y. Zhao, Rainbow connections for outerplanar graphs with diameter 2 and 3, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 242(2014), 277–280]. Next, we revise the main result of [Y. Liu, Z. Wang, Rainbow Connection Number of the Thorn Graph, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 8(2014), 6373–6377], and determine the total rainbow connection numbers of graphs G, where G are the thorn graph of complete graph Kn*, the thorn graph of the cycle Cn*. At last, we study the rainbow 2-connection numbers of some special graphs.

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