
AbstractIn recent years, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics have gained significant attention from investors as they seek to understand a company's approach to managing social and environmental risks. Consequently, improving these metrics has become important for companies to demonstrate their commitment to responsible practices and address stakeholder concerns. A company's commitment to responsible practices is also recognized by the American Chemistry Council's (ACC) sustainability goals. The ACC sustainability priorities include various aspects such as climate, water, circularity, air quality, product safety, and diversity and inclusion. Sustainability metrics overlap some suggested ESG metrics. Overlapping ESG and ACC sustainability metrics are also suggested by API‐RP‐754. This article aims to illustrate the utilization of API‐RP‐754 Tier 3 and 4 leading indicators to enhance process safety performance and show a direct impact on improving ESG and sustainability metrics. By examining metrics related to minor chemical spills, water efficiency, plastic waste, and process safety, we will establish a clear connection between increased reporting and the corresponding improvement in process safety lagging indicators. Furthermore, increased reporting of minor spills and elimination of causes will have a direct impact on ESG and sustainability, thereby improving cost and potential improvement of business perception and value to stakeholders.

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