
Total Force Fitness (TFF) was conceived as a holistic framework for building and sustaining Human Performance Optimization for Warfighters and their families. As such, TFF research must also be holistic in nature. During the research breakout, group barriers and challenges to TFF research were discussed, and critical research focus areas were prioritized. The top approaches discussed were (1) using big data to identify best practices and health trajectories; (2) applying community-based participatory research principles to military units; (3) focusing on "Whole-Person," integrative research (physical, behavioral, spiritual, and biological) across the Department of Defense; and, finally, (4) prioritizing key opportunities to advance TFF across the active duty and Reserve/Guard enterprises and their families. The research group noted that coordinated action would be needed to move the prioritized agenda forward. Finally, translating research into action is essential because TFF is a way of honoring our service members as whole persons with careers, goals, and families.

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