
The Bethe theory gives an asymptotic formula for the total cross-section σ tot for inelastic scattering of fast charged particles. For a (structureless) particle of charge ze and (non-relativistic) velocity v, it is written as σ tot = 4 πa 0 2 z 2( R/ T) M tot 2 ln (4 c tot T/ R), where R is the Rydberg energy, a 0 is the Bohr radius and T= 1 2 mv 2 , m being the electron mass. Two quantities, M tot 2 and ln c tot, depend upon the internal dynamics of the atom. We have performed comprehensive calculations of these quantities for neutral atoms He through Ar by use of independent-particle models, and also have studied the influence of electron correlations for several atoms. Our calculations reveal certain systematics of M tot 2 and ln c tot as functions of the atomic number Z. Because M tot 2 is expressed as the ground-state expectation value of the squared sum of atomic-electron coordinates, the trend of M tot 2 follows the size of the atom, governed by its shell structure. The quantity ln c tot also varies with the atomic size, but within a fairly modest range. Hence, the variation of σ tot at fixed v from one atom to another is chiefly governed by M tot 2.

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