
This study aims to determine the total lactic acid bacteria, total acid, pH value, syneresis, and organoleptic properties of yogurt using the back slooping method. Experiments were made by taking bacteria from yogurt products (biocul) with variations in the incubation time of room temperature, 37 oC, 40 oC, 45 oC, and 37 oC to 40 oC. The results of the analysis on total lactic acid bacteria, total acid, pH value, and viscosity of yoghurt with the back slooping method gave different results. Meanwhile, the organoleptic test used the hedonic level of preference, which included aroma, color, texture, and overall acceptance. Total lactic acid bacteria 8,03-8,29 log CFU / ml; total acid 0.95-1.26%; pH value 3.70-4.78; total dissolved solids 10.1-12.0%; Organoleptic test with the level of preference including color, aroma, texture and overall acceptance, obtained a preference score of 4, which means like. Based on the organoleptic test, it can be concluded that the best quality of yogurt with the back-loop method of incubation temperature of yogurt B5 with an incubation temperature of 37 oC to 40 oC


  • ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan dalam mengetahui total bakteri asam laktat, total asam, nilai pH, sineresis, dan sifat organoleptik pada yoghurt secara metode back slooping

  • This study aims to determine the total lactic acid bacteria, total acid, pH value, syneresis, and organoleptic properties of yogurt using the back slooping method

  • Experiments were made by taking bacteria from yogurt products with variations in the incubation time of room temperature, 37 oC, 40 oC, 45 oC, and 37 oC to 40 oC

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Alat Alat-alat yang digunakan adalah blender, jarum ose, timbangan analitik, saringan, panci, gelas ukur volume 1000 mL, thermometer, pengaduk, Hot plate, shaker waterbath merk Yih der, gelas melamine, pH meter, refraktometer, dan botol yoghurt, tabung reaksi volume 20 mL, mikropipet volume 1mL, gelas beker ukuran 100 mL, Erlenmeyer ukuran 500 mL. Preparasi penghitungan BAL dengan cara back slooping dimana starter dari produk yoghurt (biokul) diambil sebanyak 10 mL kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam medium pengkayaan BHI (Brain Hearth Infussion) broth dan diinkubasi selama pada suhu 37oC 24 jam. Setelah diinkubasi dari medium BHI dsengkelitkan dengan menggunakan jarum ose ke medium MRS (de Man, Rogosa, Sharpe bouillon) broth dan diinkubasi kembali pada suhu 37oC selama 24 jam. Pembuatan NA 1000 mL dilakukan dengan cara medium NA ditimbang sebanyak 28gram dan dilarutkan ke dalam1000 mL akuades sampai homogen, kemudian medium NA disterilkan dengan autoclave pada suhu 121oC selama 15 menit. Kemudian 1 mL sampel hasil pengenceran dimasukkan ke dalam cawan petri dan kemudian dituangkan medium NA ± sebanyak 10 -15 mL secara pour plate, pencawanan dilakukan duplo dari pengenceran 10-7 sampai dengan pengenceran 10-9. Setelah selesai pH meter dimatikan dengan menekan tombol off (AOAC, 2006) Lakukan hal yang sama untuk lainnya

Kemudian sampel dititrasi dengan NaOH
Perlakuan Warna Aroma Tekstur Penerimaan secara keseluruhan
AOAC International Presidential Task
Karakteristik Kimia dan Mikrobiologi
Penambahan Lactobacillus acidophilus
Sifat Organoleptik Yoghurt dengan
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