
Trauma to the external genitalia in the male is a relatively rare occurrence in civilian life and is ordinarily associated with accidents involving industrial machinery. During the last war, military surgeons observed a large number of mutilating genital wounds occasioned mainly by the explosion of land mines. There are no definite compilations of these experiences. Self-inflicted wounds may have occurred in army psychiatric institutions, but there are no specific references to them in the literature. Accidental genital traumas usually comprise contusions, lacerations, and denudations of the scrotum and/or shaft of the penis. Standard textbooks in urology contain few comments on this topic and fail to discuss complete autoemasculation. Rolnick, Lowsley and Kirwin, Young, and Dodson, in referring to accidental genital traumas, do not describe complete autoemasculation. Ferris, Delprat, Veseen and O'Neill, Roth and Warren, Vernon and Kelly, Bisset, Williams and co-workers, Judd, and Byars describe various forms of accidental genital

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