
Torsion of the fallopian tube is a rare occurrence, only 300 cases having been reported since 1890. 1 The majority of cases occur in postmenarcheal female patients and are associated with pregnancy, hydrosalpinx, ovarian and parovarian cysts, and other alterations in adnexal anatomy. 2 Torsion of the normal fallopian tube in a premenarcheal female patient is extremely uncommon, and only five cases have been previously reported. 3 The following describes a recent case of tubal torsion in a premenarcheal girl in whom surgery was performed at The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center of the Pennsylvania State University. Report of a Case .—An 11-year-old girl was seen at a local hospital after suffering a sudden onset of crampy lower abdominal pain that radiated down the right thigh to the knee. She was treated symptomatically and sent home. During that night, she had intermittent abdominal pain associated with nausea and vomiting. She

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