
The problem of the stressed state of a prismatic anisotropic rod containing screw dislocations, the axes of which are parallel to the rod axis, is considered. Such defects may arise during the growth of filamentary crystals (metal “whiskers”), and may also exist in multiply connected cylindrical structures. The torsion of an anisotropic elastic bar with a multiply connected cross-section is investigated initially, assuming that the stresses and strains are single-valued but dispensing with the requirement that the warping function should be single-valued. The boundary-value problem is formulated in terms of the Prandtl stress function, which, unlike the warping function, is single-valued in a multiply connected region. A variational formulation of the boundary-value problem for the stress function is given. From the variational principle obtained a torsion boundary-value problem is formulated when there are lumped or continuously distributed dislocations. A modification of the membrane analogy for the torsion problem is proposed which takes into account the presence of dislocations. General theorems of the theory of the torsion of a rod containing dislocations are formulated. An effective formula is derived for the angle of torsion of a bar due to a specified dislocation distribution. Problems on dislocations in a thin-walled rod and a rectangular anisotropic bar are solved.

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