
Torreyadapanshanica X.F.Jin, Y.F.Lu & Zi L.Chen, a new species endemic to central Zhejiang, East China, is described and illustrated. This new species is most similar to T.jiulongshanensis (Z.Y.Li, Z.C.Tang & N.Kang) C.C.Pan, J.L.Liu & X.F.Jin, but differs in having leaves with an acuminate apex (vs. leaves with an acute apex), broadly ovoid-globose or globose seeds (vs. obovoid to narrowly obovoid seeds), slightly emarginate at the apex and obtuse-rounded at the base (vs. both acute at the apex and base), testa with irregular shallow grooves (vs. testa smooth or sometimes slightly concave). The diagnostic characters are critically compared and an IUCN assessment for the risk to the new species is estimated.

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