
Hibernation is used by specie as diverse as ground squirrels, snakes and bats to cope with reduced food availability and lowered temperatures and is a unique model for studying the molecular mechanisms of plasticity in striated muscles. Important questions in modern muscle biology are why some skeletal muscles atrophy and other muscles such as the diaphragm and the heart hypertrophy during hibernation, and why, despite the atrophy, skeletal muscle strength and fatigue resistance are maintained after arousal. The molecular mechanisms responsible are of interest both from a fundamental biological viewpoint and as a potential therapy for patients in critical care units. In this issue of Experimental Physiology, Yan et al. (2021) shed light on the distinctive features of the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of the hypertrophic response in the diaphragm and the atrophic response in the gastrocnemius muscle in hibernating Daurian ground squirrels. In particular, the authors showed that a decrease in protein synthesis, an increase in protein degradation and a decrease in muscle regeneration potential contributed to the atrophy of the gastrocnemius muscles during torpor, while an increase in protein synthesis, a decrease in protein degradation and an increase in muscle regeneration potential contributed to diaphragm muscle hypertrophy. In discussing these new and interesting results, it can be assumed, however, that a significant contribution to the formation of hypertrophic or atrophic muscle phenotype could have been made by changes in anabolic and catabolic processes occurring in interbout arousals, as indicated by the results of recent studies (Chang et al., 2020; Popova et al., 2020 ). Further research is needed to show how important interbout arousals are in the regulation of protein turnover and regeneration in different striated muscles in hibernating animals. Understanding these and other molecular mechanisms is important for choosing strategies and methods for treatment of skeletal muscle pathologies and diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as for avoiding injurious interventions in cases of energy deficits in critical illness (Stanzani et al., 2020). None declared.

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