
Ferrotoroidicity-the fourth form of primary ferroic order-breaks both space and time-inversion symmetry. So far, direct observation of ferrotoroidicity in natural materials remains elusive, which impedes the exploration of ferrotoroidic phase transitions. Here we overcome the limitations of natural materials using an artificial nanomagnet system that can be characterized at the constituent level and at different effective temperatures. We design a nanomagnet array as to realize a direct-kagome spin ice. This artificial spin ice exhibits robust toroidal moments and a quasi-degenerate ground state with two distinct low-temperature toroidal phases: ferrotoroidicity and paratoroidicity. Using magnetic force microscopy and Monte Carlo simulation, we demonstrate a phase transition between ferrotoroidicity and paratoroidicity, along with a cross-over to a non-toroidal paramagnetic phase. Our quasi-degenerate artificial spin ice in a direct-kagome structure provides a model system for the investigation of magnetic states and phase transitions that are inaccessible in natural materials.

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