
The notion of a toric origami manifold, which weakens the notion of a symplectic toric manifold, was introduced by Cannas da Silva-Guillemin-Pires \cite{ca-gu-pi11} and they show that toric origami manifolds bijectively correspond to origami templates via moment maps, where an origami template is a collection of Delzant polytopes with some folding data. Like a fan is associated to a Delzant polytope, a multi-fan introduced in \cite{ha-ma03} and \cite{masu99} can be associated to an oriented origami template. In this paper, we discuss their relationship and show that any simply connected compact smooth 4-manifold with a smooth action of $T^2$ can be a toric origami manifold. We also characterize products of even dimensional spheres which can be toric origami manifolds.

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