
It is now more than seven years since I wrote my last editorial as the founder editor of JKCD. Interspersed in this time was a guest editorial or two but just like seven years ago when I wrote with pride and a tinge of sadness, I now write with pride and unbridled joy.JKCD was the brainchild of several people, it would not behove me to claim it’s inception as solely mine and mine alone. There is no letter “I” in the word “TEAM” and a team is what I was lucky to have to transform this novel idea into fruition. Every small step taken by my team was a giant leap for this journal’s recognition and credibility. From the creation of the journal’s website, the issuance of the ISSN number for the hard copy and e-ISSN number, its indexing in various international databases and finally its recognition by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (now Pakistan Medical Commission). All these achievements were built on the backs of people who are now professors, associate dean’s and distinguished faculty members in their own right. People like Prof Dr. Khalid Almas, Prof Dr. Muslim Khan, Dr. Atta ur Rehman Dr.Munizeh Khan, Dr. Fahad Qiam, Dr. Bushra Mehboob, Mr Iftikhar ud Din and Mr Ishfaq Mahmood who did everything they were asked of and then some more. A special mention belongs to Dr. Basheer Rehman who was the workhorse for this journal back then and now ably leads this journal at its finest hour to date. He despite his immeasurable responsibilities, gave his all for the cause of this journal and did everything he was asked of with aplomb and highest order of professionalism. The reason I am mentioning this is because of the saying “The followers will never know how hard the leader tried to make the path” and the work of that team should never be forgotten in the annals of JKCD history. A changing of the guard invariably leads to one of two predetermined outcomes. Either one will soar higher than ever before or glide so uncomfortably low so as to risk crashing into the ground. It is regrettable that with the passage of time, JKCD could not continue evolving and innovating as it had before and had somewhat stood still while newer journals were launched from other institutes and organizations who usurped the place and prestige that JKCD enjoyed. Nevertheless as the old adage goes “The first step in solving a problem is recognizing that there is one”. I am happy to note that the Dean, KCD, Prof Dr. Nasir Shah paid specific attention to the plight of the journal and recruited the right people, such as Mr Farhad Ali among others, who not only steadied the ship but have also steered it to the next evolutionary landmark i.e, the recognition of the journal by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). This achievement would also not be possible without the efforts of the Vice chancellor, Khyber Medical University, Prof Dr. Zia ul Haq who helped Editorial team for achieving their targets in the requisite time. My gratitude extends to Dr. Fahim Ud Din and Mr. Masroor Shah for their treasured support during the hard time of HEC recognition.The title of my editorial written seven years ago was “The passing of the torch”, seven years on and given the recent achievements of JKCD, I can safely say that the torch my team passed on has been taken to heights never scaled before. God speed JKCD and may you keep rising higher than ever before.

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