
AbstractThis paper proposes a new Topp-Leone Exponentiated Pareto (TLEtP) distribution. The new distribution family is derived by expanding the Topp Leone-G family of distributions with additional positive shape parameters. The corresponding density and distribution functions are derived and shown. Some of the derived mathematical properties of the distribution include quantile function, ordinary and incomplete moments generating function (mgf), hazard function, survival function, odd function, probability weighted moment, and distribution of order statistic. The parameters of the distribution are estimated using Maximum Likelihood method. The proposed distribution’s validity is demonstrated by fitting two sets of real data and comparing the results with two existing same-family distributions, the Topp-Leone Pareto type I(TLPI) and Pareto (P), with the Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC), respectively. The comparison of the proposed Topp-Leone Exponentiated Pareto (TLEtP) to the Topp-Leone Pareto type I(TLPI) and Pareto (P) distribution demonstrate that the TLEtP distribution offers a better fit for the data sets than the other two distributions.

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