
This article describes and analyses a separate group of proper names — toponyms. Here, the views of well-known Ukrainian scientists-onomysts on the development of toponymy in Ukraine are presented, the classification of toponyms is considered. Special attention is paid to the toponymy of the city of Odesa. Toponymy is of deep interest for many sciences, in particular for linguistics, history, ethnography and geography. Since toponyms are an integral part of the geographical environment and culture of the people, there is a natural desire to understand geographical names, to establish how they are formed, develop and die, what they signify. Probably almost all scientists of linguistic fields will agree with the opinion that toponyms are a unique linguistic phenomenon. The emergence of proper names of this field is a complex linguistic-historical process that cannot be reduced to one or even several word-formation models. Toponyms are that special section of onomastics that requires special study, arrangement and careful protection in connection with the functions they perform not only in language, but also in history and society. Geographical names are found everywhere — on maps, in postal addresses, in newspaper articles and in everyday conversation. They allow humanity to navigate in space. Thus, toponyms have a spatial reference and can tell a lot about the territory, the history of its settlement, development and economic use. It is geographers who know the popular geographical terms that form toponyms. Finally, correct spelling of toponyms is very important when making maps. Thus, this type of onyms is an integral part of the life of any state, and more precisely, one of its distinctive symbols. Ukrainian toponyms arose in different historical eras, changed over time in form, and often in content, spread depending on certain historical events — population migration, wars, cultural and linguistic communication. In this regard, toponyms are a source of history, as it provides ethnography with a large amount of interesting information. The examination and analysis of local toponyms of Odesa allows us to find out the peculiarities of ethnogenetic processes in the territory of the city, to reveal the essence of the people’s worldview and life activities.

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