Preface. List of Participants. Program. Part I: Basic aspects of topology optimization. Some recent results on topology optimization of periodic composites M.P. Bendsoe, et al. Problem classes, solution strategies and unified terminology of FE-based topology optimization G.I.N. Rozvany. Comparative study of optimizing the topology of plate-like structures via plate theory and 3-D theory of elasticity N. Olhoff. A formulation for optimal structural design with optimal materials J.E. Taylor. On the influence of geometrical non-linearities in topology optimization O. Sigmund, et al. Part II: Special techniques and problem classes in topology optimization. Structural reanalysis for topological modifications - a unified approach U. Kirsch, P.Y. Papalambros. Topological derivative and its application in optimal design of truss and beam structures for displacement, stress and buckling constraints Z. Mroz, D. Bojczuk. Transmissible loads in the design of optimal structural topologies M.B. Fuchs and E. Moses. New formulation for truss topology optimization problems under buckling constraints G. Cheng, et al. Part III: Treatment of computational difficulties in topology optimization. On Singular topologies and related optimization algorithm G. Cheng, Y. Wang. An efficient approach for checkerboard and minimum member size control and its implementation in a commercial software M. Zhou, et al. Some intrinsic difficulties with relaxation- en penalization methods in topology optimization K. Svanberg, M. Stolpe. Topology optimization subject to design-dependent validity of constraints W. Achtziger. Part IV: Emerging methods in topology optimization. Evolutionarycomputing and structural topology optimization -- a state of the art assessment P. Hajela, S. Vittal. Stress ratio type methods and conditional constraints -- a critical review G.I.N. Rozvany. Advances in evolutionary structural optimization: 1992-2000 O.M. Querin, et al. Part V: Mathematical aspects of topology optimization. Shape optimization with general objective functions using partial relaxation G. Allaire, et al. Equally stressed structures: two-dimensional perspective A.V. Cherkaev, I. Kucuk. Part VI: Practical applications of topology optimization. Practical aspects of commercial composite topology optimization software development H.L. Thomas, et al. Topology optimisation of the porous coating distribution in non-cemented hip prostheses H. Rodrigues, et al. A formulation in design for optimal energy absorption A.R. Diaz, et al. Part VII: Miscellaneous topics. Optimal design with non-linear elastic materials P. Pedersen. Damage tolerant topology optimization under multiple damage configurations M.A. Akgun, R.T. Haftka. On topology aspects of optimal bi-material physically non-linear structures S.V. Selyugin. Brief contributions (Extended abstracts). Model of functional adaptation of bone and design of composite structureal elements P. Bednarz, L. Lekszycki. On optimal design problems for unilaterally supported plates subjected to buckling I. Bock. Shape truss optimization in Java multithreaded genetic program S. Czarnecki. Optimal design of material and topology based on an energy model J. Du, J.E. Taylor. Modelling and optimization of porous materials deformation process B.M. Efros, et al. Topology optimization
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