
Dmitrii Andreevich Gudkov by G. M. Polotovskii Recollection of D. A. Gudkov by E. I. Gordon Remarks on the enumeration of plane curves by V. I. Arnold On diagrams of configurations of 7 skew lines of $\mathbb{R}^3$ by A. Borobia and V. F. Mazurovskii Smoothing isolated singularities on real algebraic surfaces by B. Chevallier Quadratic transformations $\mathbb{R}P^2\to\mathbb{R}P^2$ by A. I. Degtyarev Real algebraic curves and link cobordism. II by P. M. Gilmer Morsifications of rational functions by V. V. Goryunov Real algebraic curves with real cusps by I. V. Itenberg and E. I. Shustin Towards the maximal number of components of a nonsingular surface of degree 5 in $\mathbb{R}P^3$ by V. M. Kharlamov and I. V. Itenberg Stable equivalence of real projective configurations by Sergei I. Khashin and V. F. Mazurovskii Smoothing of 6-fold singular points and constructions of 9th degree $M$-curves by A. Korchagin Automaton model of relations between two countries by M. S. Kushelman Classification of curves of degree 6 decomposing into a product of $M$-curves in general position by T. V. Kuzmenko and G. M. Polotovskii Spinors and differentials of real algebraic curves by S. M. Natanzon On the topological classification of real Enriques surfaces. I by V. V. Nikulin Critical points of real polynomials, subdivisions of Newton polyhedra and topology of real algebraic hypersurfaces by E. I. Shustin On a nonlinear boundary value problem of mathematical physics by G. A. Utkin Generic immersions of the circle to surfaces and the complex topology of real algebraic curves by O. Viro Stratified spaces of real algebraic curves of bidegree $(m,1)$ and $(m,2)$ on a hyperboloid by V. I. Zvonilov.

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