
Wireless ad hoc network enable new and exciting applications, such as decision making in the battlefield, emergency, search-and-rescue operations, but also pose significant technical challenges. Topology control problems are concerned with the assignment of power values to the nodes of an ad hoc network so that the power assignment leads to a graph topology satisfying some specified properties. This paper considers such problems under several optimization objectives, including minimizing the maximum power and minimizing the total power. In this paper we give a brief overview of topology (arrangement of devices) control problem in wireless ad hoc networks, up to some extent. Given a set of nodes in a 2-D plane, end-to-end traffic load (i.e amount of data to be transmitted between mobile hosts) and delay between a pairs of node, the problem is to find a network topology that can meet the optimal QoS requirements. We can solve the problem, by formulating as a linear programming problem for the traffic loads. and an optimal solution has been proposed to solve the problem.

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