
Topological Ramsey spaces are spaces which support infinite dimensional Ramsey theory similarly to the Ellentuck space. Each topological Ramsey space is endowed with a partial ordering which can be modified to a $\sigma$-closed `almost reduction' relation analogously to the partial ordering of `mod finite' on $[\omega]^{\omega}$. Such forcings add new ultrafilters satisfying weak partition relations and have complete combinatorics. In cases where a forcing turned out to be equivalent to a topological Ramsey space, the strong Ramsey-theoretic techniques have aided in a fine-tuned analysis of the Rudin-Keisler and Tukey structures associated with the forced ultrafilter and in discovering new ultrafilters with complete combinatorics.This expository paper provides an overview of this collection of results and an entry point for those interested in using topological Ramsey space techniques to gain finer insight into ultrafilters satisfying weak partition relations.

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