
Starting from an association scheme induced by a finite group and the corresponding Bose–Mesner algebra, we construct quantum Markov chains, their entangled versions, using the quantum probabilistic approach. Our constructions are based on the intersection numbers and their duals Krein parameters of the schemes. We make the connection for the first time between the fusion rules of anyonic particles evolving on a 2D surface to the Krein parameters of an association scheme. We consider braid group $$B_3$$ that describes the unitary dynamics of the anyons as the automorphism subgroup of the graphs. The dynamics induced by the fusions (and the adjoint splitting operations) may be viewed as the chain evolving on a growing graph and the braiding as automorphisms on a fixed graph. In our quantum probability framework, infinite iterations of the unitaries, which can encode algorithmic content for quantum simulations, can describe asymptotics elegantly if the particles are allowed to evolve coherently for a longer period. We define quantum states on the Bose–Mesner algebra which is also a von Neumann algebra as well as a Frobenius algebra to build the quantum Markov chains providing yet another perspective to topological computation, whereas frameworks such as Unitary Modular Categories can identify and characterize new anyonic systems our framework can build upon them within quantum probabilistic framework that are suitable for asymptotic analysis.

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