
Polarization control is a major issue in topological quantum optics that limits reliable generation and transmission of quantum states. This study presents what we believe to be a novel topological photonic crystal design that provides topological protection for biphoton pairs for both TE and TM polarization. By well-designed cell configurations within the lattice, two topological boundaries emerge that can accommodate TM and TE modes at the same time. By adjusting the dispersion curves, we can further design nonlinear four-wave mixing processes within the topological photonic crystals and provide theoretical explanations for the entanglement of the dual-polarization biphoton states. Numerical results confirm the robust transport of entangled photon pairs, even when subjected to sharp bending. Moreover, combining the dual-polarization topological photonic crystal with a polarization beam splitter enables the preparation of polarization-encoded maximally entangled states. Our work exhibits significant potential for applications in robust optical quantum information processing and quantum secure communication.

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