
Topological phonon polaritons (TPhPs) are promising optical modes relevant in long-range radiative heat transfer, information processing and infrared sensing, whose topological protection is expected to enable their robust existence and transport. In this work we show that TPhPs can be supported in one-dimensional (1D) bichromatic silicon carbide nanoparticle (NP) chains, and demonstrate that they can considerably enhance radiative heat transfer for an array much longer than the wavelength of radiation. By introducing incommensurate or commensurate modulations on the interparticle distances, the NP chain can be regarded as an extension of the off-diagonal Aubry-Andr\'e-Harper (AAH) model. By calculating the eigenstate spectra with respect to the modulation phase that creates a synthetic dimension, we demonstrate that under this type of modulation the chain supports nontrivial topological modes localized over the boundaries, since the present system inherits the topological property of two-dimensional integer quantum Hall systems. In this circumstance the gap-labeling theorem and corresponding Chern number can be used to characterize the features of band gaps and topological edge modes. Based on many-body radiative heat transfer theory for a set of dipoles, we theoretically show the presence of topological gaps and midgap TPhPs can substantially enhance radiative heat transfer for an array much longer than the wavelength of radiation. We show how the modulation phase that acts as the synthetic dimension can tailor the radiative heat transfer rate by inducing or annihilating topological modes. We also discuss the role of dissipation in the enhancement of radiative heat transfer. These findings therefore provide a fascinating route for tailoring near-field radiative heat transfer based on the concept of topological physics.

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