
We summarize the basic ideas of our topological model of the pseudogap state of high temperature superconductors (HTS) as a condensate of charged magnetic monopoles, with a focus on new experimental signatures. These include the surface quantum Hall effect, the generation of electric fields when applying magnetic fields by the oblique Meissner effect, and the generation of circular electric fields surrounding electric currents by the oblique Ampère law.


  • Elementary physics courses go a long way to teach us that while single electric charges are abundant in everyday life, magnetic charges appear always in dipoles

  • We summarize the basic ideas of our topological model of the pseudogap state of high temperature superconductors (HTS) as a condensate of charged magnetic monopoles, with a focus on new experimental signatures

  • We propose that edge dyons can be detected by measuring magnetic and electric fields that encircle currents carried by these excitations

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Elementary physics courses go a long way to teach us that while single electric charges are abundant in everyday life, magnetic charges appear always in dipoles. (here we have reinstated physical units and have chosen q 2e; α e2/(4πε0Zc) ≈ 1/137 is the fine structure constant) is not screened and can penetrate the oblique superinsulator, without generating surface currents This combination plays the same role as the electric field in a superconductor. Currents are limited to a strip of the width λθ around the surfaces Since in this strip region both electric and magnetic fields penetrate the system and are not forced into confining flux tubes, one expects single dyon excitations to arise. A dc current of electrically charged particles (electron monopoles) running through a straight metallic wire generates a circumferential magnetic field that can be detected and measured, e.g., by deflecting a compass needle (Figure 1A). A dual of this experiment can be performed by running a dc current of magnetically charged particles (magnetic monopoles) through a straight wire of an appropriate material, generating a circumferential electric field. The main advantage here is that in this way one could increase further the signal, basically multiplying it by the number of turns, which can be made of the order of 10–100

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