
Stroke is the primary cause of disability without effective rehabilitation methods. Emerging brain-machine interfaces offer promise for regulating brain neural circuits and promoting the recovery of brain function disorders. Implantable probes play key roles in brain-machine interfaces, which are subject to two irreconcilable tradeoffs between conductivity and modulus match/transparency. In this work, mechanically interlocked polyrotaxane is incorporated into topological hydrogels to solve the two tradeoffs at the molecular level through the pulley effect of polyrotaxane. The unique performance of the topological hydrogels enables them to acquire brain neural information and conduct neuromodulation. The probe is capable of continuously recording local field potentials for eight weeks. Optogenetic neuromodulation in the primary motor cortex to regulate brain neural circuits and control limb behavior is realized using the probe. Most importantly, optogenetic neuromodulation is conducted using the probe, which effectively reduces the infarct regions of the brain tissue and promotes locomotor function recovery. This work exhibits a significant scientific advancement in the design concept of neural probes for developing brain-machine interfaces and seeking brain disease therapies.

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