
The paper deals with the abelian cancellative semigroups and the reduced semigroup C*-algebras. It is supposed that there exist epimorphisms from the semigroups onto the group of integers modulo n. For these semigroups we study the structure of the reduced semigroup C*-algebras which are also called the Toeplitz algebras. Such a C*-algebra can be defined for any non-abelian left cancellative semigroup. It is a very natural object in the category of C*-algebras because this algebra is generated by the left regular representation of a semigroup. In the paper, by a given epimorphism σ we construct the grading of a semigroup C*-algebra. To this aim the notion of the σ-index of a monomial is introduced. This notion is the main tool in the construction of the grading. We make use of the σ-index to define the linear independent closed subspaces in the semigroup C*-algebra. These subspaces constitute the C*-algebraic bundle, or the Fell bundle, over the group of integers modulo n. Moreover, it is shown that this grading of the reduced semigroup C*-algebra is topological. As a corollary, we obtain the existence of the contractive linear operators that are non-commutative analogs of the Fourier coefficients. Using these operators, we prove the result on the geometry of the underlying Banach space of the semigroup C*-algebra

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