
Local models are schemes, defined in terms of linear algebra, that were introduced by Rapoport and Zink to study the étale-local structure of integral models of certain PEL Shimura varieties over p-adic fields. A basic requirement for the integral models, or equivalently for the local models, is that they be flat. In the case of local models for even orthogonal groups, Genestier observed that the original definition of the local model does not yield a flat scheme. In a recent article, Pappas and Rapoport introduced a new condition to the moduli problem defining the local model, the so-called spin condition, and conjectured that the resulting “spin” local model is flat. We prove a preliminary form of their conjecture in the split, Iwahori case, namely that the spin local model is topologically flat. An essential combinatorial ingredient is the equivalence of μ-admissibility and μ-permissibility for two minuscule cocharacters μ in root systems of type D.

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