
AbstractIn most of the automobile and aerospace materials, cellular structures are extensively used due to their lightweight and high energy absorption capabilities. Naturally available animal bones and plant stems are light in weight due to their natural cellular structures. This may inspire various researchers for integrating the various lattice structures such as beam, planar, triply periodic minimal surfaces, and voronoi structures on the various structural materials. The development of lattice structures using 3D printing technology has opened up major attention towards fabricating lightweight components without any complications. In this study, the detailed crashworthiness responses such as compressive strength was optimized in terms of varying the topology‐related factors on the carbon fiber reinforced polyethylene terephthalate glycol (CF/PETG) composite. The experimentation was conducted concerning variable topology factors such as shell thickness, unit cell type, wall thickness (WT), unit cell orientation (UCO), skewing angle, and unit cell size. The model was examined and optimized by means of the Taguchi optimization technique. The crashworthiness response was analyzed using the compression test and moreover, this experimental response is used for the optimization processes. From the observation, the topology factors which contributed more for the higher compressive strength will be UCO of 65.47% and WT of 15.20%. Results of the regression study show that the R square value with concern to the compressive strength will be 92.74%. The optimized design parametric condition for CF/PETG composite established a higher compressive strength of 41.179 MPa, From the overall results, it is clear that the variation in the topology factors has developed a huge and favorable impact on the mechanical characteristics of the lattice‐structured CF/PETG polymer composite.Highlights Hexagonal Lattice structure incorporation on the carbon fiber reinforced PETG composite. Design optimization on the compressive properties. Taguchi optimization is performed on design‐based lattice structures. Unit cell orientation has higher percentage contribution on compressive strength.

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