
In this paper we construct closed expressions that correspond to the topological charges of the various 1/2-BPS states of the maximal 10 and 11-dimensional supergravity theories. These expressions are related to the structure of the SUSY algebras in curved spacetimes. We mainly focus on IIB SUGRA and 11-dimensional SUGRA in a double M9-brane background, with an emphasis on the SL(2,R) multiplet structure of the charges and how these map between theories. This includes the charges corresponding to the multiplets of 7- and 9-branes in IIB. We find that examining the possible multiplet structures of the charges provides another tool for exploring the spectrum of BPS states that appear in these theories. As a prerequisite to constructing the charges we determine the field equations and multiplet structure of the 11-dimensional gauge potentials, extending previous results on the subject. The massive gauge transformations of the fields are also discussed. We also demonstrate how these massive gauge transformations are compatible with the construction of an SL(2,R) covariant kinetic term in the 11-dimensional Kaluza-Klein monopole worldvolume action.

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