
The identities of single cone cells in the retina of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) larvae were studied by in situ hybridisation using RNA probes for the five different halibut opsins. Four different cone opsins (ultraviolet-, blue-, green- and red-sensitive) are expressed in Atlantic halibut at the end of the yolk-sac period, whereas rod opsin is expressed later in development. Photoreceptor cells expressing ultraviolet-sensitive opsin are found only in the ventral retina, presumably to optimise detection of the downwelling ultraviolet light. The majority of the photoreceptors (approximately 90%) in the retina express green-sensitive opsin and its distribution shows no regional differences. In contrast, blue- and red-sensitive opsins are expressed much less frequently (in approximately 10% of photoreceptors), although these two opsins are also found over the entire retina. The expression patterns of the different visual pigments indicate some form of mosaic expression in the single-coned larval retina, and this is reminiscent of the square mosaic expression found in post-metamorphic Atlantic halibut. These findings suggest plasticity in green-opsin-expressing cells during development, resulting in a square mosaic expression pattern.

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