
Using small checkerboard stimulus fields, we have recorded visually evoked potentials (VEPs) in an alert rhesus monkey from an array of 35 electrodes chronically implanted between dura and arachnoid to study mass neuronal activity in striate and peristriate visual cortex. Although the principal purpose of this work was to study in detail cortical mapping in this particular animal for future intracortical recordings, we report here the usefulness of our approach for the non-invasive study of cortical processing, in particular of cortical magnification and receptive-field properties over the central 6 degrees of the visual field. The striate and extrastriate components in the pattern onset VEP both have a double negative-going waveform, with N-P-N peak latencies of 75-100-135 ms and 90-115-160 ms, respectively, for small element sizes and moderate contrasts; latencies may be 5 ms shorter for large element sizes and high contrast. We found little activity at electrode locations over visual areas beyond V2. The waveforms and timing permit some careful speculation concerning intracortical processing and VEP generation. The complex logarithmic form of the retinotopical projection provides a satisfactory model for our data, if a value of 1-1.2 degrees is used for the offset parameter a. Our data suggest that the most abundant receptive-field size in foveal striate cortex has a center diameter of 12'. This size remains constant up to 2 degrees eccentricity, and increases only slowly up to 4 degrees. The smallest receptive-field sizes seem to be independent of eccentricity throughout the central 4 degrees of V1, with a value of 4-8', in agreement with single-cell data reported by Dow et al. (1981) and Van Essen et al. (1984).

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