
Using the technique of iontophoretic microinjection of horseradish peroxidase, the present study disclosed the complexity and high degree of the topographic organization in the forebrain subcortical afferents to the different regions of rat hippocampus, e.g. diagonal band, posterior (PH), dorsomedial and rostral lateral hypothalamic nuclei chiefly project to the rostrodorsal part (DRA) and caudal gyrus dentatus including CA3, the supramammillary area predominantly to the rostroventral area (VRA), the area lateral to PH to the DRA and VRA, substantia innominata and some thalamic nuclei (n. reuniens, n. lateralis thalami, n. anterior ventralis thalami and n. lateralis thalami pars posterior) to the dorsal subiculum, respectively.

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