
The efferent connections of the ventral medulla oblongata have been analyzed in the rat using the anterograde autoradiographic method and the HRP technique. Fibers originating from the nucleus interfascicularis hypoglossi (B1 serotonergic cell group) and nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis, pars a (B3 serotonergic cell group) innervate the intermediolateral cell column, ventral horn and intermediate gray matter of the spinal cord. Some fibers innervate the hypoglossal, dorsal motor vagal, and medial solitary nuclei. Ascending fibers project through the medullary and pontine reticular formation, providing inputs to the Kölliker-Fuse, lateral parabrachial, laterodorsal tegmental, subcoeruleus and locus coeruleus nuclei. In the midbrain, the fibers ascend in the central tegmental field and then divide into several fiber bundles. Some course medially to innervate the central gray matter. Others diverge laterally to innervate the external nucleus of the inferior colliculus and cuneiform nucleus as well as the deep layers of the contralateral superior colliculus. Still others course dorsally through the ventral pretectal region to reach the thalamus (laterodorsal, paraventri-cular, paracentral, and centrolateral thalamic nuclei). The remaining fibers innervate the hypothalamus (dorsal hypothalamic area, paraventricular nucleus, perifornical area, supraoptic nucleus, retrochiasmatic area, and median eminence). Some of these continue through the lateral preoptic region, shift medially as they course through the area of the nucleus of the diagonal band, septofimbrial nucleus, and medial septum, and arch around the genu of the corpus callosum to innervate the hippocampal formation.

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